An Educator's Guide to Identifying Online Hoaxes

July 22, 2022
An Educator's Guide to Identifying Online Hoaxes

Click here to get your own $500 gift card! Complete this survey to have an Amazon Shopping Spree! Online hoaxes are in every capacity of the digital world- social media platforms, emails, and everywhere an enticing offer can be included to try and lure in online users. These sought after prizes or cash rewards are a clever online hoax to try and obtain your personal information through well crafted and disguised links. Be sure to recognize these four common identifying factors of online hoaxes so these false rewards don’t accidentally capture your personal information.

Enticing Offers & Incentives

If a cash, reward, or gift card offer seems too good to be true, it most likely is. There is no prize or incentive in the digital world that comes without a price, and no reward is worth jeopardizing your personal information for. Stay clear of any link connected to any one of these alluring online hoax false offers.

Oftentimes online hoaxes can be cleverly placed links in the comment section behind enticing content. Be on the lookout for these well disguised links connected to any offer and immediately exit if it is asking for any information directly connected to your personal information (name, email, password, etc).

Be aware of the online trail that online hoaxes could be potentially leading you through. These tempting cash offers could lead you through an advertisement and clicking adventure where you are instantly helping them to get paid money through online engagement or interaction with other websites. Don’t let these online hoaxes lead you into dangerous territory on your digital journey.

Requests Your Personal Information

Any offer, link, email, or website that asks for your personal information should instantly be shut down and reported if possible. These personal information traps are everywhere behind these online hoaxes so always be aware of what you are clicking and always resist the urge to enter in any personal information. It can take seconds to put your personal information in jeopardy, and hours in time and frustration to try and rescue it back.

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